Disengagement/Motivation Strategies

What it is

An area of student need involving students who do are not engaged behaviourally (do not participate in school activities), emotionally (feel excluded or separate from the school), nor cognitively (tend not to take ownership for their learning).


• Develop a positive and warm rapport with the student.
• Be in frequent contact with parents, administration and other teachers.
• Enlist school counseling supports (Child and Youth Worker, Social Worker, Counselor, etc.).
• Be aware of increased risk taking behaviours and report to parents and school team.
• In a private setting, discuss your concerns with the students in a supportive and non-punitive way. Ask the student for ways that you can help.
• Consider developing an IEP Alternative Program Plan and set goals with the student and IEP team.
• Consider the development of and IEP Transition Plan to help reduce stress.
• Consider the development of an IEP with Accommodations for any instructional, environmental and/or assessment accommodations that may be helpful to reduce stress from the student.
• Provide resources to the student and parent on counseling options (school and/or community).
• Provide choices in activities and use differentiated instruction.
• Provide opportunities for success and provide rewards for on-task behaviours.

Student Needs IPRC Exceptionalites Diagnosed Conditions