Mental Health Strategies

What it is

An area of student need involving an unsatisfactory psychological state, in terms of emotional, behavioural, physical and/or social well-being.


• Be a caring adult and develop positive rapport with students.
• Be empathic and non-judgemental.
• Directly teach lessons on social and emotional skills.
• Work to reduce stigma of mental health issues with all students.
• Identify students who need increased support and communicate them to the school team.
• Involve community supports for whole class presentations.
• Be in frequent contact with parents, administration and other teachers.
• Enlist school counseling supports (Child and Youth Worker, Social Worker, Counselor, etc.).
• Be aware of increased risk taking behaviours and report to parents and school team.
• In a private setting, discuss your concerns with the students in a supportive and non-punitive way. Ask the student for ways that you can help.
• Consider developing an IEP Alternative Program Plan and set goals with the student and IEP team.
• Consider the development of and IEP Transition Plan to help reduce stress.
• Consider the development of an IEP with Accommodations for any instructional, environmental and/or assessment accommodations that may be helpful to reduce stress and support positive mental health for the student.
• Provide resources to the student and parent on counseling options (school and/or community).
• Provide choices in activities and use differentiated instruction.
• Provide opportunities for success and rewards for pro-social behaviours.

Student Needs IPRC Exceptionalites Diagnosed Conditions