Word Prediction Programs

What it is

Word prediction assistive technology software supports written communication by providing possible choices for words based on initial the spelling, syntax and/or frequency of use, which supports spelling and grammar difficulties with fewer keystrokes.


• Directly instruct students on how to use available word prediction software.
• Model effective strategies for learning, as teachers learn new programs along with students.
• Use word prediction programs regularly as part of whole class instructional lessons for various subjects, using a projector.
• Consider developing or providing basic instructions on how to access and get started on using the programs.
• Regularly require the use of word prediction programs for all students in various subject areas.
• Ensure use of word prediction programs for students with it listed as an accommodation in their IEP, for all writing tasks.
• Conference with small groups on the use of word prediction programs.
• Select student leaders to mentor other students on word prediction programs.
• Consider doing a trial of testing students’ writing without word prediction programs and then with.
• Provide students with free down load information for home use of word prediction programs.
• Inform parents of word prediction programs and their benefits.
• Access school and board supports for additional resources and training on word prediction programs.


Demo video, tutorials under resources tab

Student Needs IPRC Exceptionalites Diagnosed Conditions