Behaviour Exceptionality

What it is

A formal exceptionality, identified by an Identification Placement and Review Committee (IPRC), in the category of Behaviour.

Teaching Strategies


• Offer the student choices for learning activities and the order in which to complete tasks.
• Break down multiple step instructions; consider the use of checklists.
• Make an effort to positively build rapport with the student.
• When possible, speak to the student in private to avoid an audience.
• Develop alternate programming for the student that meet the student’s needs, based on current level of achievement/baseline.
• Develop a regular communication system with parents/guardians.
• Reinforce positive behaviours as much as possible.
• Consider referral to a non-teacher professional for assessment.


• Post classroom rules and consequences.
• Seat the student in a spot to minimize negative behaviour.
• Provide a break/time out location.
• Use stress balls/fidget toys.


• Offer an alternative location for tests.
• Allow extended time for tests/assignments.
• Provide a supervised physical break from testing.
• Allow the student to use a computer .
• Provide choice of assessments to demonstrate learning.
• Give advance notice of tests.
• Allow open book tests.

• DSM-v

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition
Used by non-teacher medical and/or psychological professionals to diagnosis various conditions.

Learning and behaviour checklist

What to watch for and communicate immediately to administrator, if observed.

Tips on programming, teaching, preventing, transitioning, expectations and consequences.

Student Needs IPRC Exceptionalites Diagnosed Conditions