Articulation Skills

What it is

An area of student need, based on his/her speech pronunciation.

Teaching Strategies

• Implement strategies provided by speech-language pathologists.
• Focus on one particular sound, as per the speech and language pathologist’s direction. Often the sound is being worked on in a specific position within a word (beginning, middle or end).
• Use visual pictures with words for the specific sound being targeted.
• Model correct speech to the student, emphasizing the misarticulated word.
• Use a slower pace of speech.


• Use preferential seating, so that the student can see the teacher’s mouth when he/she is speaking.
• Reduce background noise in the classroom.
• Use preferential seating, so that the teacher can more privately model correct articulation to the student.


• Give additional time for the student to speak.
• Ignore articulation errors and focus on content for assessments.
• Provide advance notice and specific expectations for presentations in front of the class.
• Allow for use of written prompts when the student presents in front of the class.
• Allow the student to choose to do an oral presentation to a small group or just the teacher, instead of to the whole class.
• Provide access to a spell checker, and additional time.


General information on articulation.

An outline of symptoms, causes and treatments for speech problems. From The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids).

Student Needs IPRC Exceptionalites Diagnosed Conditions